What is PBIS?

What is PBIS?

Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based, tiered framework to support students' behavior, academics, social, emotional, and mental health. It's a way for a school to create a positive and equitable learning environment. (pbis.org)
At Ramona, we encourage our students to be Respectful, Responsible, and to build Relationships (3Rs). As a learning community we strive to meet the 3 Rs. every day! To help encourage engagement at school and in activities we recognize students who showing the positive behaviors we are encouraging. Both in class and out of class, students who are meeting the 3 Rs can receive Mustang Bucks or PBIS points.  As students collect tickets they can either save them for school wide PBIS events such as Lunch game day, Movie Hour, Opportunity drawings, or they can spend them at the Mustang store on small items.
Ramona PBIS Matrix
If you would like to make a monetary donation please make checks payable to Ramona School ASB. If you are interested in donating items we are always looking for:
  • variety packs of individual size chips
  • variety packs of individual servings of cookies
  • school appropriate raffle items between $10-50 or gift cards
  • Game equipment (Basketballs, soccer balls, volleyballs, kickballs, Uno cards, checkers)
  • Businesses that are interested in donating large dollar items for student opportunity drawings please let us know!
Thank you for your support!