SBAC/CASSP Resources


Check out the practice tests available for Parents/Students to experience SBAC Testing. This is a great way to become familiar with the CAASPP interface and learn the features and tools available to students.
The link below will provide you will video tutorials of the available tools on the CAASPP interface.
A tutorial guide is available below to show you how to access these practice tests.
ELA Practice Test Scoring Guides
ELA Performance Task Scoring Guides
Writing Anchor Papers
Math Practice Test Scoring Guides
Math Performance Task Scoring Guides
Below you will find the English Language Arts Claims Blueprints. Use these blueprints to match with the claims on your child's SBAC reports to see your child's areas of strengths and needs for improvement. 
Below you will find the Mathematics Claims Blueprints. Use these blueprints to match with the claims on your child's SBAC reports to see your child's areas of strengths and needs for improvement. 
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