Language Power

Language Power is a Tier II Intervention program for English Learners that helps students develop English Language skills and knowledge.
  • Students receive differentiated lessons to build language skills through activities that focus on reading, writing, listening, and speaking.
  • Students work on thematically grouped texts that are accompanied by essential questions, videos, and other visual inputs that help to build academic language, content-area literacy, and critical-thinking skills.
EL students in 1st-8th who meet the defined criteria (below) are eligible to participate in the program.

AUSD uses multiple measures to identify the ELs who are not making expected progress towards English proficiency. Measures: 

1) ELPAC: ELs who have not grown in English language development Level 1 ELPAC, and

2) Teacher Recommendation: Current teacher indicates that they are concerned,

3) Other school assessment i-Ready Reading